
Final Post

This Semester has been pretty good to me. I learned quite a lot during the course, as had fun in the class activities. There were a lot of things that I learned that one of them were reasons on why a person may or may not want to purchase technology. There were different types of technology we learned that it seems they come in many different forms or different ways on how they are used. Technology like phones or other devices are used for communication, Television and video games are usually used for entertainment, and Computers are used for research. The types of technology we learned seem to come in many different uses. We also learned since technology was first invented, It has now charged our daily lives today. Technology may have made our lives easy, but i believe it has brought the world together. What i mean by that is that one of uses of technology is communication, and we now use communication devices like the phone or the internet to contact and inform the rest of the world.


I don't believe I have ever suffered from FOMO (Fear of missing out), nor do i know anyone who experienced that. I don't go on any social media very often, but i do go on the internet all the time. Even if i do go on social media, i don't believe i care if i am missing out on anything.

Photo Manipulation

I think the US should allow to have a similar law to the one in France. If they say that in France commercial images a model is considered re-touchable, then America can do the same because i believe people will get to have a little experience of a product before they could have any consideration of purchasing the product. I think Getty Images should not accept any edit photos of celebrities because celebrities should let the people know what they truly look like. looks are not everything, as celebrities should be proud of how they look and not let anyone edit their photos. Getty Images should accept real photos and not ones that have been edited.

Inclusive Video Games

I have been playing Video Games Since before i started Preschool. Since then, i would like to say that Video Games have been apart of my life. As i grew up, i would always try to get the latest games that catches my attention and try to beat the game as best as i can. One of the first games that i remember playing was Mario Kart 64 for the Nintendo 64. I got the game around the same time i got the system, and i use to enjoy playing the game for hours. Playing the game since then had become a whole new experience for as i tried to play as many games as i could for the system, whether the game i played at the time were either bought or rented. The Nintendo 64 and the games i own and played on it probably change my life on playing video games. Video games have been apart of my life, that i eventually would one day try to make my own. I've come to Chico State so that i can learn how to become a game design and then one day make as many games as i can. There were many things that i

Digital Divide

It seems that the digital divide in America is equally divided in two halves. Most American businesses now a days are more relent on the internet as well as education and consumer products. The Internet seems to be important for nearly everyone in the country, but for the other side of the divide it also seems that internet is also not important for some. There are some businesses that don't need any internet connection in order to operate. Before for the internet was ever invented, a lot of people could work or educate. We should care about the digital divide because we can learn how we can go on with our lives with or without the Internet. The divide could be closed if everyone in the USA was given internet connection for free.

The Future of the Music Industry

What I Believe is what the future lies for the Music Industry is that the Industry will continue to grow. The way I see it, it seems that ever since the Music Industry first established it continues to increase every year. What probably makes the Industry to continue on is the music they produces. Every year, over a hundred songs and music are made and sold to a lot of people, and because of this the Music Industry probably makes over millions of dollars every year for producing these songs. What probably causes the Music Industry to continue to grow by making music and making millions is the people. People nowadays enjoy listening to music where every they go, and I believe that if it weren't for the people, then the Music Industry would not continue to make more music. It's like a cycle between the people and the Industry; the industry makes music for the people to enjoy, and the people like the music, causing the industry to make more. With over a Hundred Music being produce